Ft. Leonard Wood Training Barracks Upgrade 09
KCI teamed with IAA on this design-build project that included renovations and additions to Barracks 816, 817 and 818, as well as Dining Facility 820 and Battalion Headquarters 822. The LEED Silver project, which was awarded to our team based on the Best Value to the government, included seismic rehabilitation, progressive collapse mitigation and ATFP measures. Renovation was based on complete demo of building interiors, as well as repairs & replacement of masonry veneer and exterior windows and roofing. Site improvements included typical utilities and sidewalks, as well as over 5000 feet of ATFP barrier concrete wall and force protection bollards and cable gates. Upon project completion, KCI received the highest rating possible from the USACE.
Size: 162,000 SF
Owner: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
KCI Role: General Contractor
Value: $24,300,000
Delivery Method: Design Build
Completion: December 2011
Designer: International Architects Atlier