I-44 Bridges Over Meramec River

Due to increasing traffic volumes in the area and the deterioration of the 1950’s era construction, in 2018 KCI was awarded the project to replace two bridges over the Meramec River near Fenton, MO.  This project includes new bridges over the river, replacement of the EB and WB Watson Road bridges, a new ramp from I-270 South to I-44 West, addition of a pedestrian bridge over the Meramec River, and general traffic flow improvements for one of the busiest interchanges in the St. Louis area.

Size: Two 9-span, 1100 ft long bridges

Owner: MoDOT

KCI Role: General Contractor

Value: $52,140,000

Delivery Method: Bid Build

Completion: January 2022

Designer: Jacobs

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