Metrolink Facilities 5 Extension
Metrolink is the St. Louis metropolitan region’s light rail system comprised of 37 stations and 46 miles of track which serve the St. Louis area and St. Claire and Monroe counties in Illinois. In 2003, the rail system was expanded to the southwest side of St. Louis, and KCI was awarded a 1.3 mile section of this expansion. Along with site clearing and demolition of existing structures, KCI constructed five new bridges from 120 feet to 2,400 feet in length, setting 83 concrete and 88 steel bridge girders in the process. These bridges spanned Interstate 44, two railroads, Big Bend Road and one creek, all of which posed unique challenges and coordination issues. KCI also built the new Shrewsbury passenger station and park-and-ride surface lot. In total, construction included 25,500 linear feet of steel support piling, 1,900 tons of reinforcing steel and 24,300 cubic yards of concrete.
Size: 1.3 miles
Owner: Metro
KCI Role: General Contractor
Value: $38,900,000
Delivery Method: Bid Build
Completion: April 2006
Designer: Cross County Collaborative