MU Power Plant Cooling Tower Replacement & 480V SUS Replacement
In order to accommodate a new cooling tower and electrical upgrades within the existing power plant, both of the major upgrades were broken down into five phases of work. Cooling tower work consisted of relocation of site utilities and parking lot, followed by building the cooling tower foundation, which bears on drilled piers and substantial grade beams to allow it to remain in place should all subgrade material disappear. After the new cooling tower was built by others, the four existing cooling towers were demolished in four phases off the 100 foot tall power plant roof. While the cooling tower replacements were taking place over a 19 month schedule, five phases of electrical upgrades included MCC replacements and installation of 13.8kV switchgear. During all work, the power plant and ancillary services were required to remain in operation, making owner coordination a necessity on a weekly, daily, and sometimes hourly basis.
Size: 18,000 SF
Owner: University of Missouri - Columbia
KCI Role: General Contractor
Value: $14,990,000
Delivery Method: Bid Build
Completion: June 2010
Designer: Jacobs