Virginia Avenue South Student Housing
After ten years of record-breaking enrollment and a consequent increased demand for on-campus housing, Mizzou approved plans for a new 330 bed dormitory, just south of the Virginia Avenue Housing and Dining Complex. KCI was the successful bidder on this 5-story community-style hall, which includes 20 percent single rooms and 80 percent double rooms. Construction is challenged by the installation of a new steam manhole and chase nestled between, over and under existing utilities within a confined area of the site. The project will utilize a dovetailed metal floor deck as the exposed finish ceiling on thousands of square feet of common area and dorm rooms. This decking requires shoring to facilitate concrete placement and until the floor has gained design strength to span the open spaces on the project.
Size: 93,000 SF
Owner: University of Missouri - Columbia
KCI Role: General Contractor
Value: $21,290,000
Delivery Method: Bid Build
Completion: August 2015
Designer: Treanor