Columbia Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements

The expansion of the Columbia Wastewater Treatment Plant was to achieve many goals: Increase capacity from 13 MGD to 26 MGD, Upgrade the existing outdated facility & processes, Increase Biosolids-Handling capabilities and Provide better odor control. All were achieved while also adding energy efficiency to the plant and reduce consumption: Solids are now further dewatered, reducing local truck traffic through adjacent neighborhoods; New methane gas cleaning system and associated heat and power system is 26% more efficient; High efficiency blowers installed reduces annual energy consumption by 26%. The expanded plant includes four Clarifiers, two Aeration Basins, two Pump Stations, a Grit Facility, Dewatering and Blower Building, and renovation of existing Clarifiers, Aeration Basins and Influent Pump Station & Screening Facility.

Size: 26 Million Gallons per Day

Owner: City of Columbia, MO

KCI Role: General Contractor

Value: $55,590,000

Delivery Method: Bid Build

Completion: September 2013

Designer: Black & Veatch